Welcome, this is our AS media Coursework blog.

In our group there is Becky Wholley and Hannah Ferreira. Our media coursework is a two minute opening to a horror film, our production is called Sleep Tight.
Our Youtube accounts are
My YouTube account is:

Monday, 17 January 2011

Introduction Podcast For My Coursework.

Me and Hannah introducing ourselves and our orginal pitches.

" We incorporated some of my ideas into Becky's pitch, such as the flashes of images, which was going ro give a sneak preview of what was to come if we were to film the entire film"

1 comment:

  1. nice podcast! consider adding, below the embed, a quote apiece from the podcast, to help lure potential listeners into pressing play!
    looking at the Silence post - make sure links, such as the IMDB, are actually clickable hyperlinks - and space out/break up long paragraphs
    don't shy away from bullet points - and do, where you can, use screenshots or scene embeds to illustrate such posts
    also, re the scribd docs in posts below, if unsure about this ask tomorrow!


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