Id Card - Barry Opposition
We approached two different age groups to answer this question.....
We showed them these images to see their response to the genre...
Evaluation question 4. Film quiz questions'That's the shower scene from Psycho and the masked character is in Scream'
' I don't recognise any of those images, I think I might have seen the masked one in a fancy dress shop before but I don't know its revelance...'
We then showed them the opening to our film and this is their feedback....
As you can seeThe main target audience for horror is teenagers and 'twenty somethings'. Age 15-24. We would give 'Sleep Tight' a BBFC rating of 15. The BBFC guidelines for a 15 rated movie are as followed,
Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, strong words, moderate-strong violence/sex references, and mild non-detailed sex activity.
We chose '15' as a rating as there are flashing graphic images of an attacked girl. Her face looks bruised and there is much blood coming from her stomach and chest area. It is typical representation of a 'wet death'. The girl is in a bath with a white vest top and jeans whereas before she was wearing a blue turtle neck jumper and and a denim shirt. The change of clothing is ambiguous. A possible interpretation is that the killer stripped her of some layers in attempted sexual assault. This is another reason for why we chose 15 as a suitable rating.
Our secondary audience is 24-45 as there are many middle aged people who enjoy films relating to horror.
The rating is 15; nevertheless, many interpret this as a guideline and permit their children to watch highly rated films with their supervision. With this in mind, 'tweens' are included in our target audience. They would be able to relate to being babysat and being in a secondary school environment. Pre-teens are definitely a consumer market with teen flicks as they use the characters as role models.
In 'Sleep tight' there are nationally diverse actors and actresses. The protagonist in our film opening has a naturally North American accent due to her having migrated to Britain. This contrasts to the accents of the child 'Rachel' and the teenage actors as they have standard English accents which could be interpreted as southern English. Their dialect is similar to those typically portrayed in Hollywood films with an English accent, rather than a strong, localized accent. The easily recognizable English accents and the North American accent would help not only tap into a UK-wide audience but an international audience.
In our film we do portray the default hetrosexual relationship; however, this is not dwelt on as there is only a small snipet of the teenage actors holding hands.
The target gender audience for our film is female. The protagonist female. If we were to create the entire film, the story would continue to show the little girl grow up and be followed by her stalker who is trying to kill her. She would fulfill the role of the Final Girl and not be killed. This would draw in a female audience as there is a girl portrayed as tough, strong and resourceful. There are attractive young women in our film which would appeal to the male audience. It could be argued that the bath photos of the attacked babysitter could provide material for the voyeuristic male gaze (Laura Mulvey's feminist theory).
We have not included any Scream Queen archetypes such as flaunting flesh and exaggerating beauty by making them wear lots of make-up. This is because the Scream Queen is portrayed as the Final Girl. .
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